Like apples make cider, Pears make a light, sparkling drink called Perry. The posher equivalent of cider under the trade name of Babycham developed in the late 1940's it was invented in Somerset England and was marketed towards women when first launched in 1953.
It gained popularity in the UK in the 60's/70’s and fell out of fashion when the market was flooded with other similar products. But it can still be found on supermarket shelves today with a little hunting around.
Babycham had a plethora of promotional products, most notably its plastic deer for bar display and its dinky champagne branded glasses which are still really popular to collect. 

I have a collection of over 100 Babycham glasses now and other promotional products. It has been very hard to find out any info on them, so after a lot of collecting and comparing I thought I would share my findings.
They used to be picked up fairly cheaply a few years back in second hand shops and car boot sales and a few can still be found, but as popularity in all things retro is very in at the moment even on ebay, they are becoming a bit costly,but cheaper if you buy a group together.
On main glass collection sites most glasses go for upward of £10 a glass.
They used to be picked up fairly cheaply a few years back in second hand shops and car boot sales and a few can still be found, but as popularity in all things retro is very in at the moment even on ebay, they are becoming a bit costly,but cheaper if you buy a group together.
On main glass collection sites most glasses go for upward of £10 a glass.
The rarer ones and the martini glasses go for around £15-£20.
If you have any precice dates or other info on babycham products listed here, please let me know so I can share,Thank you