1953 : Original champagne glass with the white all four legs together fawn logo and dark blue ‘BABYCHAM’ listing around the base. Has a ‘Tulip’ hexagonal stem and are sometimes confused with the more abundant later design.
*These are the rarest of the 50’s glasses with a gold gilt rim.
Average cost £3-£7 (ebay with postage) £10 (on antique/retro sites)
Average cost £3-£7 (ebay with postage) £10 (on antique/retro sites)
Mid/Late 1950’s : Champagne glass with the white all four legs together fawn logo and dark blue ‘BABYCHAM’ listing round the base. Despite being called some of the rarest designs, there are quite a few sets of these out there with the straight up and down hexagonal stem with a gold gilt rim.
Average cost £3-£5 (ebay with postage) £10 (antique/retro sites)

Average cost £3-£5 (ebay with postage) £10 (antique/retro sites)

Early 1960’s: Champagne glass with a Orange/brown fawn logo facing left with legs out together and a lighter blue striped ‘BABYCHAM’ listing around the base. They still have the straight up and down hexagonal stem of the earlier glasses with a gold gilt rim.
Average cost £7-£10 (ebay with postage) £12-£15 (antique/retro sites)
Early 1960’s: Champagne glass with a Orange/brown fawn logo facing left with legs out together and a lighter blue striped ‘BABYCHAM’ listing around the base. They still have the straight up and down hexagonal stem of the earlier glasses with a gold gilt rim.
Average cost £7-£10 (ebay with postage) £12-£15 (antique/retro sites)
Mid1960’s: Champagne glass with a Orange/brown fawn logo facing left with legs out together with the original blue ‘BABYCHAM’ listing around the base. They still have the straight up and down hexagonal stem of the earlier glasses With a gold gilt rim.
* One of the rarest types of the Babycham glasses I have found so far.
Average cost £7 (ebay with postage) £12-£15 (antique/retro sites)
Late1960’s: Champagne glass with a Orange/brown fawn logo facing left with legs out together with the original blue ‘BABYCHAM’ listing around the base. It has a flared out from top and base straight up and down round stem to the glass. With a gold gilt rim.
Average cost £7 (ebay with postage) £15 (antique/retro sites)
1970’s: A champagne glass with the most well known yellow fawn logo facing right with front legs bent under and the original dark blue ‘BABYCHAM’ listing around the base. They have a flared out from top and base straight up and down round stem to the glass with a gold gilt rim. These are the most prolific on the market and the cheapest/easiest to find.
Average cost and the cheapest of all the babycham glasses £2.50-£5 (ebay with postage) £10 (antique/retro sites)
Average cost £7 (ebay with postage) £12-£15 (antique/retro sites)
Late1960’s: Champagne glass with a Orange/brown fawn logo facing left with legs out together with the original blue ‘BABYCHAM’ listing around the base. It has a flared out from top and base straight up and down round stem to the glass. With a gold gilt rim.
Average cost £7 (ebay with postage) £15 (antique/retro sites)

1970’s: A champagne glass with the most well known yellow fawn logo facing right with front legs bent under and the original dark blue ‘BABYCHAM’ listing around the base. They have a flared out from top and base straight up and down round stem to the glass with a gold gilt rim. These are the most prolific on the market and the cheapest/easiest to find.
Average cost and the cheapest of all the babycham glasses £2.50-£5 (ebay with postage) £10 (antique/retro sites)
* The rarest of this type I have found has a straight up and down round stem from top to base to the glass looks like the rest of the glasses with the yellow fawn facing right with front legs bent under and the original dark blue ‘BABYCHAM’ listing around the base (not sure of precise date)With a gold gilt rim to the glass. Average cost N/A
Late1970’s :The champagne flute glass has the most well known yellow fawn facing right with front legs bent under.No listing around the base and no gold gilt rim.
Average cost £15 (ebay with postage) £12 (antique/retro sites)
Average cost £15 (ebay with postage) £12 (antique/retro sites)
1980's (date unsure could be later): A champagne glass with a slim lined brown fawn logo with no antlers and white ‘Babycham’ listing across the glass bowl under deer logo. A round stem that flares out from top, straight up and down and flares down to base.No gold gilt rim to glass and not as popular as the other glasses.
Average cost £2-4 (ebay with postage) £10 (antique/retro sites)
Average cost £2-4 (ebay with postage) £10 (antique/retro sites)
1993-97:Babycham Re-launch
In 1993 the famous Babycham deer was killed off the new label design omitted the iconic fawn as a trademark for a masculine relaunch with blue and yellow B branding. (glass branding unknown)
1993-97:Babycham Re-launch
In 1993 the famous Babycham deer was killed off the new label design omitted the iconic fawn as a trademark for a masculine relaunch with blue and yellow B branding. (glass branding unknown)
2000 : Ltd Edition Millennium Cocktail martini glass with gold prancing Babycham fawn logo with a top hat and cane. A round stem that flares out from top, straight up and down and flares down to base.No gold gilt rim to the glass or listing/text on base.
Average cost £15 (ebay) £20 (antique/retro sites)
Average cost £15 (ebay) £20 (antique/retro sites)
2001: Ltd Edn White Star Logo Cocktail Glass. Cocktail martini glass etched with Babycham fawn surrounded by sparkling stars with the words ‘The Babycham co’ in a banner under the deer. A twisted stem swirling down to the base of the glass with no gold gilt rim.
(To celebrate the launch of a clothing line in 2001?)
Average cost £10 (ebay with postage) £12 (antique/retro sites)
2005 : A champagne glass with a brown fawn, a pink bow with ‘Babycham 2005’ listing around the base in white and light blue edge to the text. A round stem that flares out from top, straight up and down and flares down to base.No gold gilt rim to glass.
Average cost £7 (ebay) £10 (antique/retro sites)
Average cost £7 (ebay) £10 (antique/retro sites)
2004-2010? (date unsure) : A champagne glass that has a brown fawn with blue bow with ‘happiest drink in the world’ listing around the base in white with a light blue edge to the text. A round stem that flares out from top, straight up and down and flares down to base.No gold gilt rim to glass.
Average cost £20 (ebay) £20 (antique/retro sites).
'Pictures of glasses to follow'